Sustainability at ORIOR

“The ORIOR Responsibility” is part of our core business and the prerequisite for Excellence in Food.

With our sus­tain­abil­ity strat­egy, we take re­spon­si­bil­ity to­wards our stake­hold­ers, such as our cus­tomers, con­sumers, the en­vi­ron­ment, our em­ploy­ees and fu­ture gen­er­a­tions. For ORIOR, it is our de­ter­mi­na­tion, ob­jec­tive and duty to con­tin­u­ously re­duce our eco­log­i­cal im­pact, to op­er­ate in a so­cially re­spon­si­ble man­ner and to con­duct our busi­ness eth­i­cally and trans­par­ently. To­gether with our part­ners, we pur­sue a holis­tic ap­proach along the en­tire value chain in or­der to shape our im­pact on so­ci­ety and the en­vi­ron­ment in a re­spon­si­ble and sus­tain­able man­ner.

Sustainability Report

Our report provides detailed and comprehensive information about the competence centres' projects, progress and challenges within its "The ORIOR Responsibility" strategic pillar.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct de­scribes the most im­por­tant com­mon val­ues and also the rules of con­duct that we live and ex­em­plify as employ­ees of the ORIOR Group.

Environmental responsibility Governance Product responsibility Social responsibility

Sustainability Strategy 2025–2030

Sustainability Strategy 2025–2030

The group-wide Sustainability Strategy 2025–2030 takes into account the changing global conditions and current sustainability developments. Based on a so-called “double materiality analysis”, nine key topics were identified in the areas of product responsibility, environmental responsibility, social responsibility and governance. These are topics that are influenced by ORIOR's business model as well as those that have an impact on the company and therefore present opportunities and challenges for ORIOR. We contribute to a more sustainable food system by setting ambitious targets and implementing effective measures.

Key sus­tain­abil­ity top­ics

Based on a “double materiality analysis”, we defined key topics for the Sustainability Strategy 2025–2030.

Our value chain

Our approach to sustainability encompasses the entire value chain of the ORIOR Group. The involvement of our partners in the upstream and downstream stages of the value chain is – alongside our own employees – a central element for the successful implementation of the sustainability strategy. As a food and beverage manufacturer, we only cover part of this chain directly.

We purchase raw materials and semi-finished products from our suppliers and process them into premium specialties at our production sites. We also procure a small amount of finished retail items, which we resell through our channels. ORIOR’s customers include retailers, specialist dealers and the food service sector. Via our own online shops, factory outlets and to-go-stalls we also sell directly to consumers. ​

News from the sustainability front

New products on the organic shelf

Pastinella is adding three new organic fresh pasta varieties to its range at Migros.

Less disposable, more sustainable

Casualfood is actively committed to reducing the number of disposable cups and is sending out a strong signal in favour of greater sustainability.

Mastering work at height safely

Le Patron organises specific training courses for working safely in high-bay warehouses.