Sustainability at ORIOR

Sustainability – we call it “The ORIOR Responsibility” – is part of our core business and a precondition for Excellence in Food.

We as­sume re­spon­si­bil­ity in ac­cor­dance with our sus­tain­abil­ity strat­egy and the goals for­mu­lated therein. Our de­ter­mi­na­tion, ob­jec­tive and duty is to op­ti­mise our en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pact, con­duct our busi­ness in a so­cially re­spon­si­ble way, and ad­here to eth­i­cal prac­tices and trans­parency in our man­age­ment prac­tices. Keep­ing the whole value chain and the as­so­ci­ated in­ter­de­pen­den­cies with our part­ners in view, we are work­ing tire­lessly to be­come bet­ter to­gether.

Sustainability Report

Our report provides detailed and comprehensive information about the competence centres' projects, progress and challenges within its "The ORIOR Responsibility" strategic pillar.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct de­scribes the most im­por­tant com­mon val­ues and also the rules of con­duct that we live and ex­em­plify as employ­ees of the ORIOR Group.

Product responsibility SSocial responsibility Environmental responsibility

 Our sustainability strategy

Our sustainability strategy

Our strategy "The ORIOR Responsibility" is the result of a detailed materiality process that we conducted in 2018, and in which we formulated targets until 2025. The strategic wheel encompasses nine areas of activity in the spheres of Product responsibility, Social responsibility and Environmental responsibility. It is through measures in these areas of activity that we see our contribution  towards sustainable development. 

Correspondingly, we want to permanently improve and to report on our goals, projects, measures and progress in a transparent and comparable manner. For this purpose, we publish a sustainability report in accordance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) annually.

Ma­te­r­ial sus­tain­abil­ity top­ics

With the help of a materiality process, we have defined our focus topics for the ORIOR Strategy 2025. Learn more about the definition of our material sustainability topics here.

Our value chain

We define our sustainability along the entire value chain of the ORIOR Group. In addition to our own employees, the involvement of both our upstream and downstream partners in the value chain play an important role in our success and in implementing our sustainability strategy. That is because, as a Swiss Food & Beverage group, we only handle a specific part of the value chain.

We purchase raw materials and semi-finished products from our suppliers, which we then process and turn into premium specialities at our sites. We also procure a small amount of finished retail items, which we resell through our channels. ORIOR’s customers include retailers, specialist dealers and the food service sector. Via our own online shops, factory outlets and to-go-stalls we also sell directly to consumers. 

News from the sustainability front

Organic premiere Möfag

Möfag's traditional specialities are more varied than ever: new organic diced bacon on the shelves.

Innovative packaging

Le Patron has comprehensively upgraded its pâté boxes to make a further contribution to protecting the environment.

Fit and healthy at work

The Culinor Vitality project "CuliFIT" was launched as a comprehensive initiative to promote the well-being of employees.