Code of Conduct

ORIOR Group has a con­tem­po­rary Code of Con­duct. It de­scribes the most im­por­tant com­mon val­ues and also the rules of con­duct that we live and ex­em­plify as em­ploy­ees of the ORIOR Group. They re­flect our un­der­stand­ing of re­spon­si­ble con­duct in every re­la­tion­ship, and we ad­here to them con­sis­tently and at all times, both among our­selves and in our co­op­er­a­tion with our busi­ness part­ners.

In fall 2021, we also in­tro­duced a group-wide whistle­blow­ing sys­tem - the Speakup Line. Em­ploy­ees, as well as ex­ter­nal part­ners, can use this sys­tem to sub­mit a com­plaint anony­mously and con­fi­den­tially if they iden­tify a vi­o­la­tion of our Code of Con­duct or feel that their rights have been in­fringed.

Link for ORIOR em­ploy­ees: https://​­port/​Orior
Link for ex­ter­nal par­ties: https://​­port/​Ori­orEx­ter­nal