Group structure of ORIOR AG

Board of Directors

Remo Brun­schwiler, Chair­man
Markus Voegeli, Vice Chair­man
Fe­lix Burkhard
Monika Friedli-Walser
Patrick M. Müller
Monika Schüp­bach 

Executive Committee

Filip De Spiegeleire, CEO ORIOR Group a.i.
Sacha D. Ger­ber, CFO ORIOR Group
An­dreas Lind­ner, de­part­ing CFO ORIOR Group
Max Dreussi, CEO seg­ment Con­ve­nience
Milena Math­i­uet, Chief Cor­po­rate Af­fairs Of­fi­cer

ORIOR Corporate

Ste­fan Graf, Chief Sup­ply Chain Of­fi­cer
Gior­gio Mollo, CIO ORIOR Group

ORIOR Convenience

Michael Leutwyler, CEO Fredag
Michel Burla, CEO Le Pa­tron
Chris­t­ian Stof­fels, CEO Pastinella
Math­ias Roost, CEO Biotta

ORIOR Refinement

Tazio Gagliardi, CEO Rapelli
Christoph Eg­ger, CEO Al­bert Spiess and Möfag
Mar­tin Zett, Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor Möfag

ORIOR International

Werner Nies, CEO Culi­nor Food Group
Michael Schorm (spokesper­son), Co-CEO Ca­su­al­food
An­dreas Förster, Co-CEO Ca­su­al­food