Social responsibility

Dedicated and entrepreneurial employees who make things happen, conduct themselves respectfully and assume responsibility are key to our success. We are committed to good working conditions, and providing attractive job and development opportunities.

Un­der So­cial re­spon­si­bil­ity we have iden­ti­fied three cen­tral is­sues for our sus­tain­abil­ity strat­egy: em­ployee de­vel­op­ment, oc­cu­pa­tional safety and health and the eco­nomic per­for­mance. You can find here our am­bi­tions within these top­ics and fur­ther in­for­ma­tion on our ac­tiv­i­ties.  

Area of activity: Training and development

Employee motivation and the personal advancement of employees at all levels of the organisation are very important to us. We embrace the concept of continuous employee development guided by jointly defined goals and objectives, regular performance reviews and diverse training and development opportunities.

Our ambition: We want to provide targeted training for our employees and significantly expand individual development opportunities.

One of our activities:

Promoting training and development

Promoting training and development

The “ORIOR Campus” is a means for us to invest in the development of our employees through targeted training and educational programmes. We continually develop our training services. To enable the long-term retention of workers already within the ORIOR world, we want to further develop our talent management.

Area of activity: Occupational health and safety

Our employees are the key to our success. Accordingly, supporting and promoting their health and safety is a top priority. We pledge to ensure a safe and healthy workplace and are constantly investing in improvement projects and in occupational health and safety training.

Our ambition: Through active occupational health management and effective accident prevention, we aim to reduce our illness rate by 10% and our accident rate by 20% by 2025 (compared with 2020).

One of our activities

Preventive measures

Preventive measures

To safeguard the health of our employees, we conduct regular internal inspections and external risk assessments in the competence centres – whether regarding safety-related topics or in the area of psychosocial stress. In addition, all employees have free access to the Employee Assistance Program from ICAS counselling and advisory services so they can receive support in difficult situations.

Area of activity: Economic performance

Economic performance is essential for a company's long-term existence and sustainable development.

Our ambition: We want to continuously create added value for all stakeholders. We are committed to our production sites and invest in them to safeguard existing jobs and create new ones.

One of our activities

Value creation for all stakeholders

Value creation for all stakeholders

We are committed to systematically strengthening our competence centres. The Group’s broad positioning creates new opportunities and increases our resilience. We are also continuously investing in the maintenance and modernisation of our sites, which enables us to operate successfully on the market, secure the jobs of our employees, and create additional jobs thanks to new growth opportunities.