Environmental responsibility

We are aware of our environmental footprint. Responsible management of resources is a top priority at the Group level and at every ORIOR centre of competence.

The sec­tion en­vi­ron­men­tal re­spon­si­bil­ity of our sus­tain­abil­ity strat­egy en­com­passes three cen­tral is­sues: food waste and pack­ag­ing, cli­mate and en­ergy as well as wa­ter. You can find here our am­bi­tions within these top­ics and fur­ther in­for­ma­tion on our ac­tiv­i­ties.  

Area of activity: Packaging and food waste

Globally, we are still throwing away far too much food, and also the waste from food packaging is increasing. For years, we have been optimising our production processes and logistics to reduce the volume of waste we produce. Equally important is the close collaboration with our partners in upstream and downstream value chain steps.

Our ambition: By 2025, we want to cut our food waste per kg produced by at least 25% compared to our 2018 baseline.

One of our activities

Food-saving measures

Food-saving measures

We have been streamlining our company processes and logistics for years in order to reduce the amount of waste we generate during production. In the case of semi-finished and finished products that are in perfect condition but can no longer be sold via normal sales channels, we responsibly dispose of them by donating them to partner organisations such as ”Tischlein deck dich”. Food waste is also an important criterion we consider when procuring new machinery.

Area of activity: Climate and energy

Climate change and globally increasing energy consumptions are among the most challenging environmental issues of our times. We believe it is our duty to continue increasing our energy efficiency and protect the climate for future generations. We disclose our emissions data annually to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

Our ambition: From 2025, the entire ORIOR Group operations will be climate-neutral. Our ambition is to reach net zero by 2050.

One of our activities

Hydroelectricity and energy efficiency

Hydroelectricity and energy efficiency

At our ORIOR competence centres, we only use renewable energy sources and prioritise optimising our processes and infrastructure. As part of the Energy Agency of the Swiss Private Sector (EnAW) programme, all of ORIOR’s production companies also implement annual improvement measures to reduce their CO2 emissions and increase energy efficiency. 

Area of activity: Water

Water is an essential resource for the ecosystems of this planet, and the access to clean water is a human right. Also at ORIOR we want to protect this valuable good, at our production sites and also in our supply chain. 

Our ambition: By 2025, we want to reduce our water intensity by 15% compared to our 2018 baseline.

One of our activities

Saving water

Saving water

We strive to reduce water consumption by constantly optimising our machinery and continuously improving our production processes. All of our employees attend training courses where they are made aware of the need to use water sparingly. The type of products we make and their manufacturing processes also impact water consumption, which is why this is taken into account in strategic decisions.