Product responsibility

Excellence in Food rests not only on our superb craftsmanship and the recipes and production processes, but also on the raw materials we use.

The sec­tion Prod­uct re­spon­si­bil­ity of our sus­tain­abil­ity strat­egy en­com­passes three ar­eas of ac­tiv­ity: sus­tain­able raw ma­te­ri­als, the wel­fare of the an­i­mals and safe and healthy prod­ucts. You can find here our am­bi­tions within these top­ics and fur­ther in­for­ma­tion on our ac­tiv­i­ties. 

Area of activity: Sustainable raw materials 

We care about the raw materials we buy and process, as well as about where and under which social and environmental conditions they are produced.

Our ambition: By 2025, we want to increase the proportion of raw material purchases with recognised organic and/or sustainability certifications by 15% compared to 2018.

One of our activities

Sustainable purchasing

Sustainable purchasing

By continuously increasing the proportion of organically certified raw materials that we purchase, we are supporting more sustainable agriculture in the long term. We see even more potential in this area, particularly in terms of purchasing raw materials with other sustainability labels, such as IP-Suisse, MSC and Fairtrade. Currently, 38.5% of the priority raw materials we source are organic, and 5.9% carry another sustainability label.

Aria of activity: Animal welfare

Respect for farm animals along with responsible and humane breeding, husbandry and slaughter methods are fundamental to our corporate culture and these principles must also be embraced by the suppliers we do business with, in Switzerland and abroad.

Our ambition: By 2025, our goal is to source all of our meat for the Swiss market from Switzerland or from other producers whose practices comply at least with Swiss animal protection laws.

One of our activities

Humane farming practices

Humane farming practices

We are continuously expanding our range of IP Suisse products in the meat sector. A new programme for importing poultry raised to Swiss animal welfare standards will increase the proportion of poultry meat that meets or exceeds Swiss animal welfare standards.

Area of activity: Safe and healthy food

It is our mission, responsibility and duty to produce food that meets high standards in terms of culinary excellence, top quality and wholesome nutrition. To achieve these aims, we are willing to take action and invest in numerous projects and initiatives.

Our ambition: By 2025, our goal is to increase the share of healthy products that we make and avoid using artificial additives wherever possible and practical. 

One of our activities

Promoting healthy eating

Promoting healthy eating

We are continuously optimising our recipes from a nutritional point of view and reducing the amount of fat, salt and sugar, as well as avoiding the use of artificial additives whenever possible. In the area of manufacturing methods, we are also improving our processes to ensure that valuable nutrients and vitamins from the raw materials are preserved in the final product. We ensure consistent food safety thanks to the strictest quality management.