Product responsibility

Excellence in Food is not only based on our craftsmanship, recipes and production processes, but also on the raw materials we use.

The area of prod­uct re­spon­si­bil­ity cov­ers two main top­ics: “Sus­tain­able raw ma­te­ri­als and an­i­mal wel­fare” and “Prod­uct safety and health ben­e­fits”. You can find here our am­bi­tions within these top­ics and fur­ther in­for­ma­tion on our ac­tiv­i­ties.

Ma­te­r­ial topic: Sus­tain­able raw ma­te­ri­als and an­i­mal wel­fare

We use high-qual­ity raw ma­te­ri­als for the pro­duc­tion of our food. Re­spect for farm an­i­mals as well as re­spon­si­ble breed­ing, hus­bandry and slaugh­ter­ing meth­ods are fun­da­men­tal to our cor­po­rate cul­ture and these prin­ci­ples must also be em­braced by the sup­pli­ers we do busi­ness with, in Switzer­land and abroad. It is of cen­tral im­por­tance for us to know the ori­gin of all raw ma­te­ri­als. We care about the eco­log­i­cal and so­cial con­di­tions of their pro­duc­tion which we strive to in­flu­ence pos­i­tively.

Our ambition 2030

We increase our contribution to a sustainable food system.

Our goals for 2030

  • We increase the proportion of sales with products bearing organic and/or other sustainability labels by 15%
  • We build a system for sustainable supply chain management
  • All our suppliers have signed the ORIOR Supplier Code of Conduct
  • We increase sales of vegetarian and vegan products by 20%

One of our activities

Sustainable supply chain management

Sustainable supply chain management

Our Supplier Code of Conduct is an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase. It defines ethical, ecological and social minimum requirements for our suppliers and is based on the fundamental values of ethical conduct, open communication and responsibility. The code covers the areas of ethical business conduct, human and labor rights, climate and environmental protection as well as governance and management systems and takes into account relevant topics based on industry affiliation, legal requirements of Switzerland and the EU, as well as international guidelines such as the ILO core labor standards and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Ma­te­r­ial topic: Prod­uct safety and health ben­e­fits

ORIOR at­taches great im­por­tance to prod­uct safety and en­sures that our food meets the high­est safety stan­dards. At the same time, we pro­mote the well-be­ing of con­sumers through healthy, high-qual­ity food. In ad­di­tion to com­ply­ing with le­gal re­quire­ments, in­gre­di­ents are care­fully se­lected and op­ti­mized to en­sure a healthy nu­tri­tional of­fer­ing.

Our ambition 2030

We produce good quality, safe and healthy food.

Our goals for 2030

  • We reduce the number of self-induced complaints per 100 tons of products sold by 10%
  • All our production sites are covered by an internationally recognized food certification
  • We reduce the salt content of all products sold by 10%
  • We reduce the sugar content of all products sold by 15%

One of our activities

Promoting healthy eating

Promoting healthy eating

We are continuously optimising our recipes from a nutritional point of view, reducing the amount of fat, salt and sugar, as well as avoiding the use of artificial additives whenever possible. In the area of manufacturing methods, we are also improving our processes to ensure that valuable nutrients and vitamins from the raw materials are preserved in the final product.