ORIOR news

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Share­hold­ers of ORIOR ap­prove all pro­pos­als of the Board of Di­rec­tors

Zurich, 23 May 2024

ORIOR AG held its 14th An­nual Gen­eral Meet­ing in Düben­dorf to­day. A to­tal of 3,814,811 vot­ing rights were rep­re­sented, which cor­re­sponds to 58.31% of the 6,542,399 is­sued shares. 

All the pro­pos­als of the Board of Di­rec­tors were ap­proved by the share­hold­ers at the An­nual Gen­eral Meet­ing. The An­nual Re­port 2023, con­sist­ing of the man­age­ment re­port, the an­nual statu­tory fi­nan­cial state­ments and the con­sol­i­dated fi­nan­cial state­ments, was adopted, and the div­i­dend of CHF 2.51 per share was ap­proved. The div­i­dend for 2023 will be paid on 29 May 2024. 

Remo Brun­schwiler has been re-elected as the Chair­man of the Board of Di­rec­tors. All the pro­posed mem­bers of the Board of Di­rec­tors and the Com­pen­sa­tion Com­mit­tee were also elected. At the sub­se­quent con­sti­tu­tive meet­ing of the Board of Di­rec­tors, the Board con­firmed Markus Voegeli as Vice Chair­man of the Board of Di­rec­tors and as Chair of the Au­dit Com­mit­tee, on which Fe­lix Burkhard and Monika Schüp­bach also sit. Monika Friedli-Walser was ap­pointed as Chair of the Com­pen­sa­tion Com­mit­tee for a fur­ther term of of­fice. The mem­bers of the ESG Com­mit­tee were con­firmed, with Monika Schüp­bach tak­ing over as Chair.

The An­nual Gen­eral Meet­ing elected PwC, Zurich, as au­di­tor for the 2024 fi­nan­cial year, and Proxy Vot­ing Ser­vices GmbH was re-elected as in­de­pen­dent rep­re­sen­ta­tive un­til the con­clu­sion of the 2025 An­nual Gen­eral Meet­ing. The Re­port on non-fi­nan­cial mat­ters, which was put to the vote for the first time, and the 2023 Com­pen­sa­tion Re­port, which was sub­mit­ted for a con­sul­ta­tive vote, were ap­proved. Like­wise, all pro­pos­als re­gard­ing the com­pen­sa­tion of the mem­bers of the Board of Di­rec­tors and the Ex­ec­u­tive Com­mit­tee were ap­proved. 

The min­utes of the An­nual Gen­eral Meet­ing, in­clud­ing the ex­act vot­ing re­sults, will be pub­lished on ORI­ORʼs web­site within the next 15 days.

Milena Math­i­uet, Chief Cor­po­rate Af­fairs Of­fi­cer
Phone: +41 44 308 65 13, e-mail: in­vestors@orior.ch

In­vestor Cal­en­dar
21 Au­gust 2024: pub­li­ca­tion of the half-year re­sults and Half Year Re­port 2024
21 May 2025: An­nual Gen­eral Meet­ing of ORIOR AG

>> Min­utes of the Gen­eral Meet­ing (avail­able from 7 June 2024 lat­est)
>> An­nual Re­port 2023
>> Re­port on non-fi­nan­cial Mat­ters 2023 (Sus­tain­abil­ity Re­port 2023)
>> Me­dia im­age gallery

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